Looking back on your first month as a mom with a newborn you were...


My first month as a mom was soooo difficult. I had a bit of PPD mostly because of all the hormones pumped through me during inducement I think. My hands and feet wrists and ankles were swollen for three weeks and I had nausea worse then I ever had when pregnant plus really bad insomnia. I also had a long delivery that was physically exhausting and frustrating because my epidural numbed me a bit too much and I pushed and pushed for 3 hours ... up into my neck instead of down and out. So I was extremely sleep deprived and physically drained which led to me being super needy and doubting all decisions about baby.

Looking back it’s pretty embarrassing how much help I needed from my mom and mother in law but I’m comforted by the fact that it was probably hormones and also that I was pumping 8 times a day and doing all the night feedings because my hubby has a long commute.

Now with a six month babe I know I’ve already grown so much as a person and have let go of a lot of old negative habits and learned to roll with the punches a lot better. :) I’ve also learned to get by with 5-6 hours of interrupted sleep, haha.

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