Pregnant after MC before AF returned


Hi everyone,

Im really hoping someone can help ease my mind. I’m so scared!

I found out our first pregnancy little one had no heartbeat January 16, and a D&C; January 19th. I was 12w but baby measured 8w.

After my D&C; I bled for 5 days then it stopped, AF never returned and on March 1st I took a test and it was a BFN. I just took these two tests and got my BFP. We didn’t really plan on getting pregnant before my first cycle, I guess our timing was way off. I literally have no idea how far along I am. I’m scared out of my mind. I so badly want to be excited but I am so so so scared. I need to call my doctor but part of me wants to wait a few weeks and just wait until my first US will be much more reassuring than the first three I had. If anyone has been through this before (BFP before AF comes) I’d greatly appreciate your stories and advice. I’m attaching my calendar from the Flo app, any idea of how far along I may be?! I’m so lost, scared, and numb. I’d just come to terms with our loss. I’m so excited to be a mommy, but petrified. I can’t go through the heartbreak again.