
You are a LIAR, a CHEATER a THIEF and a JACK ASS.

I gave you everything a woman could give you, I was your wife, your friend, your lover. You were suppose to protect me, honor me, respect me, and you did the polar opposite.

NOW that I’m happy, you constantly attempt to crush my happiness with your bitter stupidity.


You kicked your 4 year old “son” that you “love” and I out of our marriage home. You made us fend for ourselves through a disgustingly unfair shitty New Jersey divorce. You NEVER cared about how it would affect him. How it would hurt him.

You use him. You use him to control and hurt me more, I hate that you use the only thing I have left; and for that I absolutely hate you.

I wish you would leave us alone, leave our happiness alone, not talk to us anymore, let us be.

You will forever be this awful ugly rain cloud above my son and I; but my fiancée; he’s an amazing man. He’s teaching us to always have an umbrella. Always wear rain boots, always wear a rain coat, and dance in that awful rain. He’s my rainbow. He’s saving us. He saved me. He saved us.

MOVE ON. There is no longer “we are going through a divorce” FOOL WE ARE DIVORCED. I NEVER cheated on you, I just happened to find someone amazing during my dark time. I NEVER lied to you, used you, hurt you.

YOU ASKED FOR THIS, so now that your in debt, loosing our home, sickly and a scared old man, you wish for me to help you.


