Period & TTC

Hello ladies,

I recently took my mirena out on Thursday of last week and we started TTC this weekend Saturday night. Mid TTC I had no idea my menstrual cycle started. But it never came back and now Tuesday and nothing. But during intercourse it was a medium to light flow. I’m really wondering if TTC worked? We went two rounds... My ovulation strips have come back negative and so have my so far Two pregnancy test. DD is now 5 and we are now newbies to planning on TTC. Tried emailing my OB but no response yet, I’m just nervous and anxious. I am in my early 20’s so idk if it’s possibly quicker and our TTC session actually worked.. any of you had any luck on the first try? Or how long should I wait to actually know if I’m actually pregnant? As much as I try to update the <a href="">glow app</a> it still says I’m on my cycle which I’m not.