I can't accept it , i feel like a failure

Amanda • Mo
I don't have any more milk, just a few drops that are like a snack for my 9 weeks old baby. I'm giving her formula and I can see her growing, she is happy , healthy . The thing is I can't let go, I keep trying to make some time to pump, and I'm getting less and less milk , to see my milk going away completely makes me really sad, I feel like a failure ! I tried everything to boost my milk supply, took herbs , oatmeal, teas, did compressions, had her on my breasts, i read all the tecniques , spoke to consultants , pumped around the clock.I know I worked really hard , I couldn't even touch my boobs, my nipples were cracked , bleeding, but I didn't give up. And even tough i know I did everything I could, I can't accept that is time to let go and just be happy . I feel such a failure, I see my friends breastfeeding and all those women out there saying "you just need to nurse the baby constantly and you will have a lot milk" , and that makes me feel worse :( , because it didn't work for me.