How do y’all feel about this?

Tatyana • Aye👌🏾 David Jr born May 2nd 🤱🏾

I didn’t think it irritated people of you don’t comment on their comments. But would this mans way of thinking upset you? I was surprised by how this post got under my skin. This man makes several post about how he is not noticed by women, but what makes the other men “dipshits” or “potential rapists”

How would this make y’all feel? I feel like he’s trying to get girls to feel bad for not wanting to be with him. I don’t think it fair for guys to do that. What do y’all think?

Sorry y’all, I’ve never posted in here, just commented. I tried to post this but I think I deleted this instead the first time. I think it fits in this room but if I’m wrong I’ll take it down!