Weight Loss Down A Size!!!!!

Kendra • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm already down a size and feeling great! This phentermine really helps! I've been eating super healthy and exercising and just making it a lifestyle I can maintain after the pills are gone! I've now lost 12lbs in 1 week 1 day. Sorry about the other photo being in February. I hate my body a lot so I don't take very many frontal pics. This is from a shopping trip. I was trying on clothes and loved that outfit. I can fit into my favorite hoodie now and show of my UK spirit! We really have a shot at the final four this season! GO CATS! FROM 248 TO 236! Mini goal is 170lbs and a size 12 then major goal is 130lbs and a size 4-6 (it's where I'm most comfortable I seem to have the most regular periods at that size and haven't had one in 2 years). 106lbs to go to my goal and 66lbs to go for my mini goal! Wish me luck!

These are me at a size 8 and size 4. I had anorexia at the size 4 so I was obsessed with weight and in my mind I thought I looked like what I do now. I had no idea that I was that thin. I was always told I was fat and developed the condition. One day I just woke up and realized that I wasn't fat and took care of my body but unfortunately I gained a lot after I got the mirena (100 lbs) then I had severe depression from all of my miscarriages so I gained almost 20 more pounds and now I'm feeling better and want to get the weight off. Sometimes I feel the urge to just starve myself but I fight it and remind myself of the pain I was in when I was suffering from my anorexia so I eat and am trying to gain a good relationship with my body.