possibly friendly?


so Im weary about this dude... I have an old coworker who always randomly hits me up throughout the years on social media. He would update me about his life, where he lives, what bars he frequents, etc. Hints to hangout. Then he'll start liking all my pics and disappear yet again...return in a few months. For a while I thought nothing of it and took it as him being friendly until another old coworker of ours recently told me that this guy had a massive crush on me when we worked together but nothing happened. Either he was taken or I was. There was one point we were both single and (according to said coworker) he wanted to date me but I was freshly broken up and not looking for anything so he asked out another girl (his current gf). Being told this info threw me through a loop and now Im not sure to think his intentions are friendly or not. He recently started the same pattern of hitting me up again. What do you guys think? Could it be friendly behavior or worse?