Is it possible?


I had issues after a MC the past yr with my period being abnormal, so last month the OBG gave me a strong hormone for 1week to get my period to be normal again, I had my period exactly when I was done with the hormone as he said I would Feb 6th.. I then had sex with the guy I’m dating (unprotected) Feb 22nd & 23rd and again March 3rd, 4th, & 5th(unprotected) and the weird thing is he wouldn’t get out of me(I know TMI) for a few mins after he’d just stay in kissing me and holding me.. I did get my period March 6th..the thing is I have been nauseous the past week.. is it too early to tell if I’m pregnant.. could I even be pregnant?? Is it possible, I was driving on the freeway yesterday and needed to throw up.. I feel weird all the time lately like just very tired I can sleep after I eat, I never do that.. if anyone can give me feedback it’s appreciated , thank you.