
I am so unbelievably happy !! On August 3rd last year I was taken from my first sonogram appointment to the emergency room for internal bleeding due to a ruptured Fallopian tube. Me and my significant other were devastated . Losing our first child was so hard and I felt like I was broken after that. I did not think I could conceive a child 👶 but on March 17 I took a test that came back positive ! March 21st was the due date of my fist child and today is March 20th and I have just came home from the hospital , the doctors exact words were “things couldn’t be going any better “ my levels have doubled from 363 to 714 in a little less than 48hours , no bleeding and no pain! RAINBOW BABY IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY ! That’s all I could ask for !! I am so excited and just had to share with all of you !