Sharia law? Islam?


What do you guys think about it? Should the UN interfere if it gets too out of hand?

I’m a Muslim. I’m originally from Indonesia and we don’t practice Sharia Law except one “special exception province” which is Aceh. They do their own thing in a way. Like a rogue province. I get hurt when people come up to me and ask “is it true your religion loves to kill and oppress women??!?!?!?11” when in reality it isn’t all like that. Indonesia, as a nation with Islam as the #1 religion, had a women president. I’ve known Muslims over there wearing hijabs and some not wearing hijabs. It’s pretty relaxed.

I’ve seen documentaries about sharia law and i can see where it gets out of hand. I believe in the separation of church and state. Opinions? What do you guys think about Islam? Particularly why people are slamming on the Middle East and I guess the religion in general? Sorry if this topic is repetitive or if I displayed any ignorance.