C-section Alone?

Has anyone gone through a C-section alone? I'm not 100% sure at this point that I'll have to but I'm trying to prepare myself in the event that I do.

This will be baby #3 for us. Our first was an emergency C-section and 2nd scheduled, therfore we've already scheduled a C-section for this little baby.

In the beginning of my pregnancy, I had asked my mom if she'd be able to watch my kids to which she said yes and Now, 6 weeks before I'm meant to go in to have this baby she's decided to ask me if there was anyone else who could watch them because she doesn't get paid for taking time off. Which I understand but am also irritated that she waited until now to asked not to mention that I pick my little brother up after school every day of the week just so she doesn't have to pay a ridiculous amount of money on after school care and np, I don't expect anything for doing it but I just wish she would take the 3 days off to help me out. My husband's grandmother works the days that I'll be in the hospital but asked her daughter who works at the same place just later in the week if she would switch days with her and as expected, she said no. She's not one to do things for others unless she's getting something in return and I also don't trust her with my children whatsoever.

My MIL has requested the days off of work but has yet to hear back but on multiple occasions she's requested time off and they've denied it over and over. So chances are, she probably won't get it off meaning there won't be anyone to watch the kids aside from my husband leaving me to brave it alone and I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through one alone and have any encouraging words.