Needing help.

Kali • Married 💎, TTC #1

Okay this is going to be long. I have had a bit of a journey. Let me just start off by saying about 3 weeks ago I felt something wasn’t right. So I took a pregnancy test because I was nauseous, Bach aching, fatigue, moody. It was positive but vvvvvvvvf. I didn’t believe it. So I told my husband and showed him. He saw it. And got excited. I take a first response to confirm and it was negative. But during all of this I had been spotting. Which leads me to the next thing, I went to the ER to find out what was going on. They did a urine test which came back negative. The next morning I took a FRER which was a vvvvvvf positive. A couple days later, I went to a clinic who does free pregnancy testing and theirs was negative. Can you imagine how I was feeling at this point? Heartbroken and lost. More days passed and more faint positive pregnancy tests. By this time I’m losing hope. Then I thought AF showed but it was way lighter than normal and short. She stuck around 3 days and only the first day was heavy. I still feel all of those symptoms and I’m driving myself crazy because it keeps reminding me. I took one tonight and it’s still faint. At this point I think I would be 20 DPO. I have another appt at the clinic for a retesting. I’m nervous and anxious and scared. I guess I just need advice on how I should handle all of this.