First pregnancy ends in miscarriage


I apologize in advance if you can relate to my story. This may be TMI so please read with discretion. I too experienced a miscarriage... and I never thought it would be me. I never thought I would be the one waiting for my pregnancy to end...while sitting on a toilet. My husband and I were intimate on vacation in December and decided not to use protection (for the first time). We both knew in the moment that this could result in a pregnancy. We both agreed that a baby would be a great addition to our family since we both do not have kids but wanted some. Time goes on and I didn't receive my period. We take our first pregnancy test in January and I'm pregnant! Estatic we make an appointment but the earliest appointment is a month away. We finally make it to our first appointment and they tell us that they only see a empty baby. I was supposed to be about 10 weeks by then but the sac was measuring about 4 weeks. I also took a PapSmear during the appointment. Right after the PapSmear I started spotting. Days later the spotting turned into bleeding which turned into passing the sac. Follow up appointment confirmed my miscarriage but the remains of the uterus lining is still there. Doc said it should expel after my first period. Still waiting on my period and can try again afterwards. It's been almost a month since it happened. I don't know what or how to feel. Can anyone relate? Advice?