I don’t know what i want…

So I have this “friend” I guess, in the most generous of terms we’re fwb. Thing is we only seem to talk when something sexual is involved and it drives me crazy. Like I came home for winter break and the first time we talk in over a month it’s when he wants to ask to fuck around, and it’s been that way basically since. I don’t mind the sex and shit I just don’t want to feel like I’m being used. Honestly I can’t even tell if I am like he does some things that are nice (like we’ll usually talk and hang out for a bit beforehand and he fixed my computer n shit) but only when we see each other and that’s only when there’s a chance we’re gonna fuck. Also I get the feeling he only does those things because he feels obligated to, so he’s not just hitting and quitting I dunno. Other than that we don’t really talk. I don’t know what I want him to do though because I can’t do the whole relationship thing rn; I’m trying to get better and he knows this. I just don’t want to be used, and I feel like he doesnt actually care for me or really like me beyond the fact that I have a vag he can use. I don’t know if I’m over thinking this and what I expect to hear from anyone I’m talking to.

I just don’t know