16 weeks! 2nd baby 💕

Meghan • 🇨🇦! 28. married.👨🏻👩🏼👦🏼=2011, 👼🏼=2016, 👶🏼 =2018 & one on the way = 2020. miscarriage mom, young mom, rainbow baby mom, two babies under 2 beginning march 2020! wish me luck!

I must be carrying really close to the front, I carried much further back with my 1st. I can feel the baby, I can tell which side it’s on, one side gets all soft and the other side is hard. It’s super strange. I didn’t feel my first pregnancy til around 20 weeks.

Some people were commenting on this pic on social media saying I’m enormous.

Little do they know, this is 90% pee. Hehe

Baby is the size of an avocado, and I’m having trouble eating. Sure doesn’t look like it though!