First Mothers Day blues...

I just realized that I'll be celebrating my first mother's day alone. My baby's father told me last year that mother's day "doesn't count" when you're pregnant, so he didn't get me a card or say anything nice or do anything. He finally sarcastically told me Happy Mothers Day after I cried (pregnancy emotions) and told him I was a mother already because I was 6 months pregnant and felt my child everyday, blah blah blah. I was very emotional about it and it hurt me that he didn't care. Fast forward... he just left us two weeks ago. He decided he needed his freedom back and being a part time dad was better for him. I'm completely heart broken that he ripped our family apart. And I just now realized I will be celebrating my first REAL mother's day alone. Again, no card or nice words of appreciation, no extra help around the house out of kindness, nothing. It will just be me and my baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to at least have my baby with me and love on him... But I'm still very sad. I've been feeling so down and hopeless and fearing that I'm failing on my own. It just makes me so sad that I won't have anyone to tell me that I'm doing okay and say that I am appreciated. I need to hear those things