Is this a sign..

I’ve been ttc with my marine boyfriend for almost a year now, sometimes we actually try and think we have the exact date that I ovulate(according to glow) right and sometimes he just lets loose inside me and we don’t even think about it. We bd’d when he was able to take leave(about a day or two after my period ended) and had sex everyday for those three days he was here. I woke up this morning from a text from my little sister(she’s about to be 19) that said and I quote “are you pregnant I had a dream” and I asked lol what? What happened. She basically said that I was looking at her weird and she asked if I was pregnant and I smiled and we ran to both go and tell my mom. Could this be my sign?! My bf want this so bad and we’re ready to start our family with one another, and he’s supposed to be coming to see me next weekend, and he would be so shook if I surprised him with this news