Showing off my babies!


I just wanted to show off all my sweet babies and share their adoption stories! 💕💞 (also I have 6 animals so anyone who actually takes the time to read this, I love you for it) First we got Pretty. My step mom couldn't keep her after she moved on with my dad because his dog hated her, so we took her on :) She is 7 years old.

Then when my mother in law moved to Utah, she couldn't take dear sweet Opie with her. She originally got him for my father in law as a "mouse catcher", and then he couldn't keep him. They got him as a kitten and he barely fit in the palm of your hand! Now I call him my "old man". He is probably close to 18 now.

Next up we have Zero! He is my most special boy :). Our friends found him abandoned in a cardboard box outside of their church with a female Chihuahua. They already had dogs and a horse and a cat and were not willing to take on anymore babies (although they ended up keeping the female, they named her Karen and she was pregnant and had beautiful babies!). So they asked us if we wanted a dog, of course my immediate answer was yes!! Hubby was not so thrilled, but it was close to Christmas and I wanted that scruffy little pup as my present! So hubby brought him home with a shiny red bow just for me! He was very sick though. His ribs were showing, he had been beaten and badly abused. He was terrified of most men, he was covered in fleas, scratches and scars, his fur was matted to his skin, and he had hookworms. But I made him a vet appointment, got him cleaned up and some medicine, and now he is a happy happy hyper 5 year old boy!

As if that wasn't enough, that's only halfway through my zoo! I wanted a playmate for Zero, I wanted a little girl so badly. We went to visit our godson who was just a few months old the next Christmas. They had Amy for quite some time (3 years), and they adopted a baby boy. Poor Amy didn't like not getting all the attention so they came to the decision to rehome her. Of course once again hubby was not into the idea at all. The next day we brought home sweet Amelia Sue (Amy). She's a rat terrier/jack Russell mix and she is 5 years old.

I was happy with my 4 lil babies and my heart was full, but the Lord had other plans!And then he gave me my twins. My father in law was extremely I'll about 2 years ago. He had these 2 chiahuahuas that have never ever been apart from each other since birth. My sister in law has their mom, so they were all very close. Before he passed he came to me and asked if I would take the babies. He told me he could not go into the next life unless he knew his babies were taken care of. So that's how we ended up with Isabella (Izzy) and Peppy. They will be 7 on Cinco De Mayo!

I know this was long but a big thanks to anyone who actually wants to read this :) I'm just a proud mama who wanted to show off her babes :)