Irritating Pets During Pregnancy


A little backstory: I adopted my two female cats when they were around 10 weeks old. They are litter mates and they just turned three this month. They’ve never been particularly “easy” cats per least not in comparison to others I’ve had. One has an incessant need to claw up every piece of furniture in the house, aside from her many scratchers, and the other went through a phase of peeing on everything but the litter box (which she is thankfully out of now). Anyway, now that I’m pregnant (18 weeks), I’m finding their behaviors even more frustrating and hard to deal with. Every time they claw something, push something off the counter, scratch at my door in the middle of the night, or leave surprise hairballs, I find myself wondering if I’m going to be able to handle it once the baby arrives. I don’t want the baby being woken up by them in the middle of the night, I don’t want to have to worry about them damaging any baby items (even though they are not allowed in bedrooms, including the nursery), I don’t want to worry about potential flea problems, or any other concerns that come along with cats. I love them, but I’m starting to feel that I’m at the end of my patience with them, and if I’m feeling that way now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue to handle them once baby is here. I guess I just needed to vent. Has anyone else had a similar experience with pets and pregnancy? What did you do? Did you keep the animal? Did it turn out okay? Just looking for some advice or someone to commiserate with. 🤷🏼‍♀️