My April Baby became a March Baby (Super Extra Long)


My April 13 2018 baby decided he want to make his grand debut on March 16 2018 and I couldn’t be more in love. I guess he wanted to arrive in time enough for his big sissy first birthday! Labor was very fast I started feeling contractions March 15th around 10:30ish but nothing I didn’t take as Braxton Hicks. They very consistent but very mild and wasn’t 3-4 minutes apart so I didn’t think I was in active labor. The contractions woke me up around 3::30am and that’s when I started timing at this point they were very painful but was still like 8 minutes apart. So I’m laying in bed with my hubby and my 11 month old whose rubbing my face through the contractions as I moan (so sweet) I get up to use the restroom and I feel I little gush and I thought I peed my pants because it was only a little bit, so I went to the restroom and that’s when the mother load of contractions started hitting me.i screamed to tell my hubby it’s time for you to take me to the hospital, he had been asking all night being that I was moaning through mild contractions. He rushed up got Dallas (that’s my 11 month old name) ready and trying to grab necessities because I had no bag packed at all. All the while I was cussing him out because to me he’s moving like a snail and these pains were kicking my a$$ and I needed some medicine ASAP!!!! He finally got me and baby to the car, we stay 20 minutes from the hospital and he had to stop to get gas. Which I told him to get the day before when I picked him up from work. Fast forward!!! We made it to the hospital emergency rolled me up to the maternity ward my hubby went to park the car. I arrive at the registration window and the friggin lady is sleep so I NOT so quietly screamed through one of those contractions to wake her up to do her job and as I did the water came a flowing! My husband and Dallas came rushing around the corner and they told us since it was flu season that Dallas was unable to come back to the room. They rolled me away and my husband sat in the waiting area while he called someone to come get Dallas. When I got to the room the checked me and told me that I was 8cm 😱 I asked was I able to have pain medicine she told me I had to wait until after a blood draw 😒 she gave me an IV they rushed in with papers for me to sign just in case I need c-section or blood transfusion, it’s very hectic in the room at this point because every thing is out of order needless to say my husband is still not in the room. I told them it felt like I had to poop they checked me and said it’s time to push 😱😱 I said no I have to wait for my husband. They looked at me and said there is no waiting next time you feel pressure push. My doctor isn’t there.... My husband isn’t there and here comes the pressure as I’m still trying to sign papers and STILL no pain medicine. ONE PUSH and pop here’s my baby boy. First thing I say is can you hand me my phone. I called my husband to let him know our bundle of joy had arrived he didn’t believe me at first because we had only been there for approximately 45 minutes and I was only in the room for about 20 minutes. Then he heard the baby cry, his mom had met him to get Dallas and he was on the way to the room. I know he was hurt he didn’t get to see baby come out but once he saw baby’s face the disappointed went away. Baby Dontavious McDowell II was 6 lbs 13 oz 18.25 inches long and he arrived at 5:19am at 37 weeks exactly. WAIT A MINUTE!!!! The story doesn’t end there...... I did not deliver my placenta in time enough (which is 30 minutes) so the doctor had to go in and scrape it out with his hand. This is the most painful thing I’ve been through in life. Remember I had no pain medication so I’m feeling everything he order them to give me fentanyl he waited for about two minutes until I started feeling a little loopy and started digging again, it still felt like I had no pain medication I FELT EVERY JERK AND TUGG and I’m sure everyone on that floor felt it too as I could not hold my screams and profanity!!!! 10 minutes later it was all over and I looked at my baby boy and said I’ll do it all over just to have you. This journey was a trying one but I made and I wish nothing but happy healthy deliveries for you all 😘😘