Food aversions???


So I’ve been ttc for 11 months now.. I guess this month feels different but I convince myself every month it’s different and it could finally be it!! Well my AF is due tomorrow and so far I’ve only had very very mild cramps and only twice in two separate mornings and they only last a few seconds.. where usually I can get cramps a week before my AF is due.. pretty much everyday until I start.. I also have really tender boobs.. but again I’ve had that before near my AF. So anyway back to the food aversions.. I was making cottage pie and before I put the mash on top I tried some and to me it tasted disgusting!! Like starchy tasting! It was vile! I told my partner to try some and he said it tasted fine?! I continued to cook it (usually love cottage pie) even after it was cooked I couldn’t not eat the mash on top because it still tasted vile!!! I still haven’t done a test yet purely because I’m sick of wasting money on them to come back negative! So I’m going to wait until I am officially late! But has anyone else experienced anything like this?? Can I be getting food aversions this early?? All so confusing! But any advice would be appricated! Thanks you