9 weeks+2 days

First “bump” pic, even though it’s not baby yet, just pooch 🤷🏼‍♀️💛🌿😍😁

• Bloat has gone down a lot

• I can definitely feel my uterus expanding...and I’m “feeling” pregnant.

• Slight nausea at times, but for the most part gone

• Still have strong sense of smell but not as bad as a few weeks ago 🤢

• Energy + motivation picking up a bit

• Mood swings pretty evident

• Brown spotting a few days ago for about 2 days

• Almost always have a headache.

•ALWAYS want to eat

• I’ve felt pretty “disconnected” from baby, wondering when I’d really feel the mommy instinct but I think it’s been mainly due to just feeling like crap.

• Definitely more excited with each day that passes 💛 We love you sweet one.

• Due October 23, next appointment April 5th.