Spotting scare...but my 🌈 is sticky!


Right before bed last night, I went to the bathroom and saw brownish dark discharge. I. Freaked. Out. So I hardly slept and continued to see brownish clumpy discharge only when I wiped. Fast forward to this morning and I had a BM and noticed that it was dry and dark brown. Called the DR and they asked us to come in ASAP for an US. I had a MMC in October so they wanted to make sure everything was πŸ‘πŸ½.

So the tech starts the transvaginal scan and I’m shitting bricks. I’m dying to see something positive...


Last time at 6w there was nothing and the sac was measuring a week behind. We saw the little heart flicker and I pretty much fell in love.

After the scan I had a quick exam and they don’t know where the spotting is coming from but it ain’t my cervix so everyone is happy about everything and I will be back in two weeks for my regular 8w appointment. Also got put on pelvic rest just to be safe. I was a nervous wreck all night but I’m so happy to FINALLY get good news. Baby dust and sticky beans to all!!

P.S. any ramzi theories on my scan? Just for fun.