Installation Art ☺️

Hi ☺️

This is my first time posting here and I'm sorry but its not related to periods or anything of that sense ☺️

I'm doing an art installation in my school, if you don't know what that is it is like a big sculpture or anything sort of 3D art, I'll leave a picture below as I'm not great at explaining 😂.

Anyway, I have thought of an idea but I need a smart name for it. My idea is to have all the students and staff members in the school, write their names on a piece of post it paper, also their age, their nationality, the school year they're in and maybe some information about themselves but I thought I'd leave all that part optional. Then the students would stick them on the wall in the formation of the school crest. My schools initials are BMC. Thank you for any help! ☺️