4 years of TTC and bitter

LeKesha • Married 💍 TTC #1 💕

So my husband and I have been TTC our first child for 4 years now. I’ve always had irregular cycles and that’s how it’s been in my entire family. At one point my husband thought it was him. We recently found out that it is me. I’ve came to terms with that a couple of years ago. We’re now taking other steps to possibly conceive. My doctor is very optimistic and has faith we will be pregnant next month. Anyhow (that was not the point of this post lol), my husband are stationed away from home so I call my family daily. Everyday there is a new person back him pregnant. And they’re mostly surprises. Young and not ready to have children. I can’t help, but be bitter. I get frustrated and cry every single time I hear that. It is so hard for my husband and I, but for others it’s just so easy. I’m trying hard not to be bitter, but it’s a struggle. No one seems to understand why I’m so bitter. So I just came here to vent lol.