My in laws


So, I’ve been married for a little over 5 years now. My in laws have always had this notion that my husband and I would live with them after we got married. When we got married, his dad started getting controlling of my husband and I. If my husband and I wanted to go out, we had to ask for his permission. We would get the cold shoulder if we went to eat without him. He would knock on our bedroom door if we slept past a certain time. We were both feeling pretty suffocated. I couldn’t communicate with my husband openly. I had to always be careful that when he was with my husband, I couldn’t talk or text my husband. It was just stressful to our marriage. So, my husband and I decided to move out. We bought our own house and moved out. His parents stopped talking to us altogether. They started spreading rumors about me to everyone they knew. They told people I broke their family apart. I am not family oriented. If they had known I was going to tear them apart from their son, they would never had let us get married etc. It was all very hurtful because his side of the family completely alienated us. A few years ago, they started slowly talking to him but would leave me out. They didn’t allow me to go to their house or talk to them or whatever. They were pressuring him to divorce me etc. About two years ago, they started warming up to me and I thought it was perfect. I started trying to build a relationship with them. I would text them, call them you name it. Until I heard them telling one of my husband’s cousins about how bad I am. I kind of didn’t say anything and started keeping it to a minimum. I deal with them now to keep my husband happy. They are his parents, so when I meet them. I respect them but don’t expect anything from them. I don’t even expect them to be nice to me. My husband’s sister got married last year and they love her husband. I mean the guy is like their golden child. This guy in my opinion is a terrible husband to their daughter. He is abusive towards her. Physically, mentally you name it. They yet, love him because this guy brown noses my father in law all the time. He spends time with my father in law and cooks with him and are basically all buddy buddy. It makes me mad that they give him so much importance when he is an a**hole towards their daughter. I am a decent wife to their son. I’m sure I have my crazy days but I think we have a pretty good marriage. I don’t get half the respect he does. Today, my husband asks them why is it that you guys don’t include us( me and my husband) in the family affairs, they say well because your wife doesn’t like it when you spend time with us. I have never ever said a single thing like that or even given my husband my opinion on how to deal with his parents. I feel those are his parents, he should be able to deal with them however he sees fit. They always blame me for everything and she’s me in a negative light. It has gotten to the point where I just don’t care anymore. I just wanted to rant and also ask, what would you guys do in my situation? I’m so tired of them. I feel like exploding on them and just cutting myself off of them forever but I know it will hurt my husband and I don’t want to hurt his feelings 😔