My friends suicidal and I don’t know what to do

I’m sorry I have no idea where to post this. I’ve known her for years now and she told me she’s been taking 20+ pills a day and she’s been getting really dizzy and she might die soon. I have no idea what to do and I know she’s serious. We don’t live in the same state and I’m just really scared. Should I call the cops? She won’t talk I’m just so confused and I have a huge migraine right now. She lives in a big city and I have no idea what high school she goes to and she will stop talking to me if she knows I’m reporting please help

EDIT: I’ve just called the cops and they’re on the way to her house so hopefully she’ll be fine

UPDATE: she’s fine she was close to overdosing but the ambulance and cops came in time and she’s fine now.