first time taking ovulation tests

Katie • 💍Married 4*16*2011, 👦🏻 1st baby (boy)12*12*11, 👦🏻2nd baby (boy) 1*15*16,👶🏻 3rd baby (girl) 5*10*2019

hey guys!

I will be starting my ttc in May and I'm trying make sure glow and my other app flo are correct about my ovulation. I just finished my period 4 days ago. and glow is putting my ovulation day on the 30th. Does this negative ovulation test mean that i will be ovulating soon?

EDIT** I have been taking test 2-3x a day, and the these 2 are from today (27th). I took the top one @1pm and the bottom one 8:30pm. Thoughts?