Sneaking money out from the account


Hi everyone.

Just a short intro to my story: I have been married for almost 8 years. We're both currently in sales for the same company, but he earns 40% more than I do. I have always been honest with my husband about money. I think things through before any big purchase and make sure that we make all the decisions together. I don't have any hobbies that I need to spend money on, however my husband, over the past few years, became a watch collector. In the beginning it was driving me crazy, as he would spend $500 every few months, but he doesn't go out to bars with his buddies, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and literally doesn't spend money on almost anything (BUT I don't do that either), so I've calmed down about it, and tried letting it go. Now, over the past year, year a half, he spent over $7K on 4 different watches, and I am not OK with that. I told him that, but his defense was: "This is the only thing I enjoy." We even ended up having a few serious arguments about it.

Over the past 4-5 months I noticed that it's been harder for me to put money into savings, then I noticed that he was taking cash back from grocery stores, because there would be $20 spent in this or that store, and he wouldn't bring anything home. Over the past month, it was around $80-$100 a week all in $20 increments. I finally decided to dig through his car when he was sleeping, and I found a watch that "is not in his possession", in a box, under the passenger seat.

My questions are:

1) Should I do the same thing- i.e. withdraw money in $20 increments and save some for my own ass?

2) Should I confront him about it?

3) If I confront him, what do I say and how do I do it without causing an argument?

He is an extremely defensive person, and he will try making everything look like it's my fault for not letting him spend all the money he wants on watches. There are high chances that we might end up having a huuuuge argument if I do confront him.

Is there some kind way to pull something off to make him stop?