11 days late

Cycle day 45 longest cycle iVe had Took test this morning came back negative and last night both negative no sign of. Period No symptoms sore breast to the touch the nipple is very sore very fatigue shortness of breath here and they're always tired urinating a lot more than usual usually am a 29 to 31 day cycle always on time or a day or two early i've took in a test before expected. Was March 12 I took the test on March 11 came back negative took another test March 15 negative took a test today March 22 negative and march 21 negative I don't understand what is going on I've been trying to conceive a baby since February my last period was February 7 and ended on February 11 I need some insight is there still a chance I can be pregnant or am I fooling myself prayers to me ladies I'm really hoping for a baby