Diet Changes

So lately I’ve had to make a diet change. I used to not care what I ate. I was already fat so what the hell, right? Well, 2 weeks after giving birth to my daughter I was diagnosed in the ER as having gallstones. I only have flare ups when I eat foods that are high in fat & cholesterol. I’ve avoided those types of food for almost 3 months & I’ve only had 3 flare ups (which just so happened to be on days I “cheated” thinking it wouldn’t hurt — boy was I wrong). I know diet alone can’t make the gallstones that are already there go away, but diet can help prevent more from forming. On my “cheat days” or when I have a moment of weakness & eat these foods I notice how shitty they make me feel. One day of my last gallbladder attack I had a slice of pizza. It instantly made me tired & sluggish. Then the gallbladder pain started. Didn’t stop for close to 5 hours. This morning we had a very early start (4am) & I was hungry so I caved & got a hash brown from McDonalds. I no longer got done chewing the last bite & my face just instantly felt oily & dirty. It settled quite hard in my tummy & now it feels like I’m carrying a brick around. Does anyone who generally eats a healthier diet notice this as well?

Edit: I know I can just have my gallbladder removed, but I’m terrified of being medically induced to sleep so. That’s why I haven’t done that yet.