Needing some advice 😞

I’m needing some advice on what could be going on with my husband. We’ve been married since September of last year. At first, everything was amazing, he was all over me all the time, he loved sex, he always wanted to be around me, etc etc.

here lately, I’d say the past 2-3 months, he’s been extremely distant, he avoids me, he doesn’t even touch me at night when we used to cuddle the majority of the night.He’s been coming in late from work anywhere from 2-3 hours late with a different excuse each time “my boss had to talk to me” “was getting ready for tomorrow”, he walks straight through the door every day and straight to the shower, even if I have supper fixed. He’s been asking for way more “guy time” and time away and I feel like we already hardly see each other. He has this guy at work he’s become extremely close with, and they always make sexual jokes. It has gotten to where he will text this guy at 6am when he wakes up, and he will be texting him at 11pm when we’re laying in bed together. He also always has his phone with him, he never leaves it where I can see it. It’s gotten to where we only have sex 1 time every week or two which I feel is not normal for a healthy young couple. He’s battled depression before but I’m not sure what to feel with all of this going on. Could it be depression? Could he like this man at work? Or could he be seeing another woman? He’s pushing me away so bad to the point I’m almost ready to give up, and I’ve told him this and have had multiple conversations, so he’s completely aware of my feelings. I need some advice 😞