What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions

So Af came today after another tricky month of having all the symptoms and not bring pregnant. Even had two faint pregnancy test. Idk if I’m more angry or sad. All 3 of my sisters are or were pregnant (2 are SIL). Neither was trying. Neither wanted the babies. One got an abortion. One is 4 months. Another is 6months with twins. This situation makes me so emotional and cry everytime I think about it. The two that are currently pregnant don’t even treat the ones they have correctly.

I’ve been ttc for 3 years (on and off) I’ve went from trying with Preseed, to Maca and Vitex. To OPKs to temping. My doctors says I’m perfectly fine and I shouldn’t have issues conceiving. I have a 9yr old and a 7 year old from a previous relationship. 😭 you’d think it would be easier.

This turned into a venting session and I apologize. But it feels so good to get this off my chest. Any suggestions?