
I’m sure we all hit that moment where we just don’t think we can take that many more negative pregnancy test, inspirational talks from there pregnant friends, and day to day anxiety of what is it your doing wrong.

I am currently upper 20s, recently married last year, work two jobs (Ed nurse and clinic), and have a 7 year old daughter.

My first daughter was unplanned but is by far the most wonderful little surprise. Shortly after pregnancy I had a five year mirena placed and then replace it with another following the five years. Last feb my husband and I decided it was time to start trying for a baby.

We have done a sperm Analysis and blood work. My blood work is good, shows I’m ovulating and hormones are where they should be. His sperm count is great. I am on my second round of clomid 100mg along with metformin 500mg daily.

I have so many people on a daily basis telling me, “it will come, just be patient.” “Try not to stress about it.” At times this is fine. I try to take the advice. I try to not stress, I honestly TRY! It’s unlike me to post anything such as this but I’ve hit that moment... just hoping to get some feedback on how others in my situation are able to destress or any other advice is welcomed.