Not invited to my boyfriend’s birthday


So my boyfriend’s birthday is coming up in a few days and he told me that his family (his aunt and grandma- he’s lost his brother and isn’t close to his mom) wanted to take him out to dinner (just them because they want it to be a family thing) so we made plans to hang out a different day. Then I found out that his aunt (who is basically his legal guardian and his mom) invited his best friend out of obligation. A few days pass and he tells me that now he invited 2 more friends because he doesn’t want them to feel left out since the 3 of them have been “homies” since grade school. I asked him if I was invited and he said he would prefer if it was just his 3 guy friends and family because he wants it to be a guys night and wants to be able to spend time with just them since he said he doesn’t see them that often. Afterwards, his aunt, grandma and those friends are going to an escape room. I understand that he wants to spend time with them, but I can’t help but be a little disappointed that he didn’t even include me on the actual day of his birthday especially since I always include him at my birthday dinner every year, even if my girlfriends are there and he happens to be the only guy. I told him how I felt and he just didn’t really understand and said that if I respect him I’ll let him do what he wants to do on his birthday. I just thought he would want me to be there I guess. He’s always been an amazing boyfriend which is why I’m so confused. Am I overreacting? Or do you think that it’s reasonable to feel this way? Also we’ve been together almost 4 1/2 years and I’ve been invited to almost every birthday event he’s had since we started dating