I don't know I ever told anyone about uno


I'm sorry, I just really fucking love animals.

My moms rabbit had babies and that first litter was actually healthy and all grew up to be fluff balls.

But she got pregnant again. And I knew something wasn't right about her. Either she was only pregnant with a few babies or just one but she wasn't growing how she should have been. I was living with my mom at the time and took care of the rabbits.

Idk how rabbits reproductive systems work but she miscarried all but one. They were all underdeveloped but one. I think they all died and she stayed pregnant because one was still alive? So I named him uno and bottle fed him and kept him under a low watt heat lamp like I did when I hand raised newborn mice.

Uno grew up and lives with a family friend. She changed his name 🤐

I miss this little uno bunny. He was so precious.

His mom rejected him and tried hurting him. I carried this rabbit with me so much he probably thought he was a human.

He was too small for an actual bottle so, again like the mice I used a syringe and kitten formula. If I had access to rabbit formula (idk if they even make that) i would have used it but he did pretty well on the kitten milk. I'll add more photos of him in a minute.

Jesus, I only have pictures of him when he was tiny. I need to take more pictures of the animals I raise.

He's actually younger in the second picture. You can see his baby fat neck rolls in the first pic. It made me happy to see the rolls because that let me know I was feeding his constantly hungry butt well. I need a baby animal. I have baby fever but not for a human baby 😂 help

And if you ever have to hand feed some kind of tiny creature, you can always message me for advice.