

So, there’s a saying that goes “asian don’t raisin.” Racist, I know, but it’s kind of true. Often, people are surprised at my moms age. But perhaps she doesn’t “raisin” because of her obsession with removing and preventing wrinkles. She feels that wrinkles are unbecoming, but idk....I find wrinkles beautiful. I love looking into older people’s faces and seeing the smile lines around their eyes. I love reading a person’s life through the lines on their face. Whatever they’ve contributed to the world, whatever part of their story that caused them to cross paths with me, is written on their face. How can someone find that ugly? I love the way my mom’s eyes crinkle at the corners when she smiles, and the way my grandpa’s face folds when he is bursting with laughter.

Idk, perhaps I’m being weird, but I really do find wrinkles beautiful. It’s not just a poetic thing that I’m saying to make people feel better. Anyway, I’m just wondering if y’all feel the same way.