Financial Help


When I scroll through here daily I am seeing woman struggle with their relationships due to money. Their someone special has spent too much, asks for more, hides money. Money can be the biggest culprit to the break down of a relationship if you let it.

What is empowering in any relationship is to have honest conversations. Conversations about intent and expectations. We are not all taught healthy money management skills so it is something we all must learn.

Here is how a budget works:

1. What is your income?

2. What are your needs? Rent, Electric, water.

3. Bills that you set a budget for Food, phone, entertainment. Set a contract with our self and your partner to stick to this budget.

4. Set priorities. Can you afford to rent a car? Is it more practical to buy a beater till you pay off credit card Bills? Have you overspent on your credit card?

5. Get rid of all debt. Start by paying off the smallest things first. This will give you satisfaction to keep going. Such as if you have a line of credit pay that. Keep throwing money at it till it's paid in full. This will feel so good and give such great satisfaction.

6. 1,000 dollar emergency fund. This is for rare occasion that your furnace goes out or you get sick.

7. Savings. You should have 3-6 months of your expenses saved. This is in case you lose a job or there is an emergency.

I want everyone to have the tools to have better conversations about money with their loved one. I suggest you all check out YouTube or Google Dave Ramsey. It is so sad to see so many people on here drowning in debt and if you can eliminate that stress and chaos so many other things will fall into place for you.

Money spending and saving isn't just for those who have lots to spend. We all need these tools. We are not taught it in school are parents were not the best examples and we are taking out tons of student loan debt. So managing money and finding a working plan to keep a budget is something we all can work on. Wish you all much success.