He had been seeing 4 women up until 3 months ago...I’m pissed off. Don’t know what to do about this. We are engaged. Please help.

So after almost two years, I found out he went to see his ex at her house, a “friend” of ours, a random girl, and his “best friend” alone. Either at his place or theirs.

The evidence was all in his messages, fb, and Snapchat.

I was on his phone and he got a message from his “best friend” who I also know, I decided I should reply since I know her. Then I saw this

^ ass picture from his “best friend”

Once I saw these types of conversations with his “best friend” I kept digging. I saw on his memories a video snap of them in bed together.

These are the other times I found that he went out to smoke and have fun with girls:

Alexi^ his ex, mind you we have been dating for 2 years and this happened 5 months ago.

Carol ^ random person, idk?

Steph^ “friend” of ours.

What the fuck do I do?? He’s at work until 5 pm, right now it’s 10 am. I’m pissed off and need to calm down. He promised to quit smoking and doing other drugs too so wtf is this. I don’t even know how to begin talking about this to him. I don’t know what to do. Please help.