Hello Again ladies


Hello all this is my story:

Currently I don’t know what going on with my body or with this situation on March 13 on my birthday I had to go in to urgent care because I was spotting mid cycle i just found it odd because I never experience that before well to my surprise they told me I was pregnant but my hCG levels were low 50 they had me go in March 15 to get more blood work I went in to find out my level only increase a little bit 76 so again they told me to come back March 19th and my levels were at 17 since I didn’t have a doctor at the time the doctor from urgent care just called me and basically said that I was most likely having a chemical pregnancy and nothing else so I called my insurance and got a doctor and my doctor called me and she again told me my levels and said she wanted me go in on Monday 3/26 to see a geologist hopefully I will get all my question answered. I have been spotting on an off since March 7th I been having really bad sore boobs but again I don’t really know what’s going on on March 22 got what looked like my period it’s been so weird I just feel there is something going on. my period usually last anywhere from 4-5 days one of those days is one spotting day and right now my period is almost gone so March 22 it was like medium flow and yesterday was like in the lighter side and also yesterday I had a pain in my left hip and this morning basically nothing it looks like it’s going to be over. I just have so many concerns and feel overwhelmed by all this has anybody gone through something like this? I a picture of my documentation so you can get an idea. I know I posted in here a lot lately but I really dont know that to believe now 😭😭😭