My story


I kind of just want to vent a bit here. Basically I haven’t been happy for a long time and suffer from depression mainly due to how my friends treat me. They ignored me all the time, hung around without me and do so many other things and they honestly never even cared about me at all. They used to invite me to town with them once In a while and never tell me where they were. They would leave me on my own in the town for hours. My anxiety and depression was so bad around them. I could never get any sleep at all because I felt so sick with depression all the time. The things they did was absolutely horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I was crying so much all the time, and my anxiety made me feel so bad. In school they left me alone and I was struggling so much because I didn’t have any other friends to hang around with so was so worried about what I’d do if they stopped being friends with me. But on Friday they said they didn’t want to be friends with me anymore. They were so mean and said they never cared about me anyway and were saying that I made it so awkward between them. Because of what they said I was so upset and cried and cried. I was having suicidal thoughts after they were saying these things and just wanted to die. I had no idea what I was going to do now or who is hang around with. But after an hour or so I realised these people aren’t worth my tears, and that I shouldn’t be worried. After this I felt a massive release of my stress and anxiety that has built up over my friendship with these people and I’m already starting to see a shift in my depression and I am feeling so much more positive about myself and my body already. I have no idea what I’m going to do when I go back to school on Monday, or who I’m going to be friends with, but I hope from now on my life will be a lot better and stress free. I know that depression doesn’t go away that easily and I believe it will stay with me forever. But I know now that how these people treated me was so wrong and I was so worried about them leaving me that I forgot to focus on myself and the things that are really important.