OPK help... PLEASE!

Cortlyn • Engaged, due with number two december 19th

Okay im really confused. I have pregmate Ovulation Tests and ConceiveEasy ovulation test. My pregmate test came back a very obvious positive

So i decided to take a test stick and a test strip of the concieveeasy tests and they all came back negative,

even though it was using the same Urine sample. I have A LOT of cloudy EWCM right now even though its only CD 11. Its my first full cycle off of BC. Pregmate says the sensitivity of their tests is 25 miu/ml, but i can never find anything on the sensitivity to Conceiveeasy tests. Im just confused. Is this too early to be ovulating? Which test do you think is right? Im leaning towards the Pregmate test being right, but i also dont want to keep wasting these ovulation tests. HELP!