PLEASE help me - Misoprostal question - Trigger warning

Jess • 👼🏻👼🏻 + 🤱🏼🌈 + 🤰🏼#2

I took pill Tuesday night around midnight my water broke and everything got going. It’s Saturday so 4 days late and except for Wednesday - Thursday, Friday and today i have random 2 hour “labor” sessions and they are more painful than the night i took the pill. Is this normal?

I’m not bleeding unusually large amounts, pass clots randomly still and blood doesn’t smell funny, took my temp no fever. But have chills and I’m cold which is supposedly a side effect of the pill but i DID NOT feel like this the whole night i was passing clots after taking it

My appointment to make sure everything came out is on Monday and i plan to ask Ob all of this too