Date Change - Heartbeat Found


Had to go to the ER this morning bc I had severe pain on my left side. They did an ultrasound. They said I have a cyst but it should be okay. Also they measured me just a little further along. We thought I was due Nov 21 by calculations but they are saying I measure 6 weeks exactly and due Nov 17. So hey ladies to all my new due date sisters.

Found out I have a UTI.

The only thing worrying me is they said the heartbeat was 111 and that’s on the low end of the normal 110 - 160 beats. However it was the ER doctor.

Calling my ObGyn on Monday they told me to follow up with her within two days.

Sidenote: Am I the only lady that has fingers crossed she doesn’t end up in labor on Thanksgiving because they wanna eat lmbo!