*I will *guess* what GENDER you are having*

mamaB • Two girls 💕 pregnant with girl #3 due May 30th 2022 💓

I have noticed that I am more often right rather than wrong at guessing babies gender by using the nub theory. I will guess your baby's gender but you must follow these rules: 1) ultrasound pic must be between 12-13 weeks, 13 weeks is best though. 2) there must be a clear shot of the nub, I have attached a picture of what you have to look for as a guideline to spot the nub. 3) please update on results of gender :) **of course this is not 100% although it is in the 90th percentile for accuracy when you get an expert guess. I am NOT an expert. I am just pretty good at it lol so please take my guess with a grain of salt and realize it is just for fun. dont go out buying stuff right away lol 😜