People stealing your story.

Makes me sad that last year in june i updated our family & friends on social media about the condition of our Son that we were diagnosed with Terminal condition. And its been almost 8 months since we lost him 2 hrs after Birth. I took pride in carrying my strong baby boy. & Sharing his Story for awareness. & last night on instagram I came across another girls profile who states she was losing her son in the same condition. & the begining sentance she wrote was word for word what I wrote for my baby biys update. Even My husband thought that was very Uncanny. It deeply upset me. & If her acct is Not fake and is real I feel for her and her soonto be loss. But from other loss Moms I know people have stolen their images & stories before. Its deeply saddening. I did not message her or ask people to report her for the mirror fact it was just 1 thing. But its still frustrating. I feel unsafe now posting about my angel son. I just needed to Rant. I in no way will call her out pubicly unless she does it more. For now I will leave it be. But be careful other loss mamas I have personally seen fake accts steal ppls angel babies photos & even start GoFundMe's with them. I hope if this girls acct is real or fake she finds the peace & healing she needs without plagerising other peoples personal writings as their own stories.