D&C just some information 🚨THIS IS LONG🚨

Isis💕 • ✨Mom of 3 💗💗💙 pregnant with baby number 4 💙Married❤️

Hello ladies I found out I miscarried March 2 On my first ultrasound my little baby didn’t have an heart beat I was suppose to be 10 weeks and 5 days and I was measuring far behind that 😢 And after that options were thrown in my face D&C; or natural all that kind of talk and I said No I’m not doing the D&C; i couldn’t imagine my baby being ripped from me or me not being able to see the baby at the end of my already gone pregnancy I just wanted this to be a dream but a few days passed and I said I can’t go on waiting and waiting and waiting so I called my OBGYN doctor on a Wednesday and i left a message regarding the D&C; and they called me back and said yes we can schedule it tomorrow morning at 8:45 I was shocked at how fast but I quickly said yes but and I paused as she said okay come in to the clinic for your pre-op appointment and we will send you over to the hospital I was terrified after I got off the phone I shut down I was already sad about that lost of my child the day went by I cried and cried and cried the morning came and I was shaking and crying I went in for my pre-op and my doctor just talked and gave me papers heading over to the hospital I waiting as my name was called to get registered for surgery my fiancé was there the entire time I finally went to the back in disbelief that I was getting this operation done I was told to take off all my clothing and dress in my hospital gown and I did as I was told next the doctors came in one to draw my blood and another to stick the IV in but instead of two pokes the just drew my blood from the IV and then the lady gave me some medicine to stop my stomach from getting gassy and the nurse talked to me everyone was so sweet and the I met the anesthesiologist 5 mins afterwards and afterwards he explained what he was going to do which was give anesthesia for my surgery and this is an Out-Patient procedure you do leave after your first urine but anyways after he told me what he was going to do I said okay and then I started crying my eyes out and I was rolled to the operating room they gave me alittle Anesthesia before I left And I was woozy and scared and they was like we are going to take good care of you and afterward I woke up in recovery with no memory of the surgery it self it’s was painless