3 OPKs in a row and ferning on a different day.

Heidi • We are trying again. We have a 2 year old & had a stillbirth prior. And I have a YouTube channel. YouTube.com/heidikimTV
So normally I have 2 positive OPKs the day before O and the day of O. My cycle length varies from 26-33 days and my luteal phase is typically 12 days(not always but that's another story.) I am on CD 18 and its day 3 of positive OPKs. Last month I Od on CD 16. I haven't had a temp rise yet so I don't think I've Od but I have also been tracking ferning. I had full ferning on CD 14 and 15 but negative OPKs and only partial ferning the last 3 days. I feel like I've had way more fertility signs for way longer this cycle. Any thoughts?
Here are the 3 positive OPKs. Sorry the second is not the best lighting. I also got a positive digital OPK on CD 16 but not since