stomach bug🤢


9weeks and 2days with the stomach bug. i was throwing up yesterday. never really got out of bed unless i had to puke. and today i’ve got the worst headache in the world. i didn’t get to eat much yesterday either because i would throw it back up. today is starting out the same way. i know i need to eat but i have no appetite


yesterday was probably the worst day since sunday dealing with the stomach bug. i wasn’t puking. i had an appetite. but i was just so weak that i didn’t want to get out of bed. my stomach was in a constant ache all day. it was worse when i was actually laying down. i took a hot bath and everything felt good. got out and went to lay down and was hurting again. when i got home from my moms i was outside with my dogs walking around. it was getting worse with the ache. so i ate around 8 last night and didn’t feel a change. i went to lay down and hurt so bad. to the point i thought i was gonna puke. i went and took a hot shower and got my body pillow and went to sleep. i have my first scan today at 9weeks and 4days and i’m terrified that the “ache” had something to do with my baby. i’m so scared that we’re gonna miscarry because we tried for so long.